Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Anticipating Summer Part 2

I'm on the couch, I've got my feet up, I'm watching Family Guy... and I've an assignment due. So, again, ever the avoidist (not technically a word I am well aware, but damnit it sums me up ridiculously), I've spent the past couple of hours doing things that don't require much concentration instead of somethng that will require rather a lot.

I could've done it earlier but it was SUNNY out! It made me want to do lots of fun things like going to the beach or stretching out on some grass with friends or sitting in a beer garden somewhere. It made me crave those long summer evenings where you've nothing to be doing but enjoying yourself. It's not quite May 11th (when I shall be finito!) yet, so to college I did go, and spent most of the day in lectures, passing  the breaks inbetween - which I told myself I would put away for essay writing - walking around campus enviously eying up those who could afford to be doing the lying out or the drinking. I did get an ice cream though, which cheered me up a bit. Mmmm Malteaser. 

As I've said, 11th of May is the day I finish my final exams of my final year of my undergrad, and I cannot wait. There's so many things I want to though, though money or lack thereof will hinder most of them. 

I'll put getting a job top of the list. Go to a festival abroad. Visit friends in Barcelona and London. Save.  

Until then, it's head in the books. Starting soon. I swear.  

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